What Entrepreneurs Are Saying…

“KRIS sales training is on the next level. He teaches you stuff conventions won’t because its an upsell.”

 – Derik S

“My amazon store is producing more than my job did in a month. I’m starting now my Walmart store.”

– Erreson T

“I’m working on creating my Wholesaling business and was running into issues. Paying for his mentorship opened my eyes”

– Mike N

“Started my real estate mentorship with Kris this month and so far my team has been able to close way more leads”

-Aaron S


“My Walmart store was such a great idea to increase passive income to my portfolio. Adding an extra $15,000 was wonderful and easy! ”

-Vannesa R

“I moved my amazon store with Kris because my other store kept getting shut down and when Kris took it over its been active without any red flags”

– Amy L